After 24 hours of being awake, 19 of travel, 3 airports, 3 different security checkpoints, customs, and immigration I have learned somethings.
1-american sizes for carry-ons do not equate to Japanese standard sizes for carry-ons. and if you try to shove your american carry-on into a japanese plane, the stewardess will make you feel very stupid and embarrassed.
2-Traveling in snow-boots and heavy parkas should be avoided. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad I wore them rather than used 1 whole suitcase for them, but it definitely got me some strange looks everywhere I was (until getting here).
3-Choose airports wisely, If you fly through LAX from a domestic to an international flight, they will make you chance terminals and go through security for the second time in 3 hours.
4- don't wear white when traveling if you have trouble eating and drinking while stuck in an airplane seat. (Thank you Sandi for the Tide Pen!)
5-However well intentioned you are to take pictures while traveling, if you are overloaded with a parka and all your carry-ons, you won't. (hence the lack of pictures, sorry)
We had a great night sleep, and are heading out with our supervisor, Tim, to start some necessary paperwork and such.
We will be in and out, but should have internet access from time to time.
If you would like to contact us, our emails, kborba@asianaccess(dot)org sborba@asianaccess(dot)org , would be easiest.
Also, I'll be checking skype. My name is katborba. And our skype phone number is 1.559.477.4433.
Have a great day! God Bless!